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This Java SDK is designed to help developers easily integrate Onqlave Encryption As A Service into their Java backend.



  • Encrypt/Decrypt piece of information
  • Encrypt/Decrypt stream of data



  • OpenJDK 17 or higher
  • Maven >= 3.x.x


Make sure your project is using Maven Modules (it will have a pom.xml file in its root if it already is):

mvn install

Then, reference onqlave-java in a Java program with import:

import com.onqlave.encryption.Encryption;


To use this SDK, you firstly need to obtain credential to access an Onqlave Arx by signing up to Onqlave and following instruction to create your 1st Onqlave Arx. Documentation can be found at Onqlave Technical Documentation.

The Onqlave Java module is used to perform operations on the configured ARX such as encrypting, and decrypting for an Onqlave_ARX. example:

To use this module, the Onqlave client must first be initialized as follows.

package com.example;

import com.onqlave.contract.Configuration;
import com.onqlave.contract.Credential;
import com.onqlave.contract.RetrySettings;
import com.onqlave.encryption.Encryption;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] agrs) {
        Credential credential = new Credential(
                "<api_access_key>",           //This is the API Access Key returned of the API Key created during setup. Keep in a safe place.
                "<api_signing_key>",          //This is the API Signing Key retruned of the API Key created during setup. Keep in a safe place.
                "<api_secret_key>");          //This is the API Secret Key retruned of the API Key created during setup. Keep in a safe place.
        RetrySettings retry = new RetrySettings(
                "<count>",                //Number of times to retry calling server endpoints in case of connection issue
                "<wait_time>",            //How long to wait between each retry
                "<max_wait_time>");        //How long to wait in total for operation to finis
        // Initial
        Encryption encryption = new Encryption(credential, retry, "<arx_url>", true);

All Onqlave APIs must be invoked using a Encryption instance.


To encrypt data, use the Encrypt(byte[] planData, byte[] associatedData) method of the Encryption service. The plainText parameter is the byte[] representation of data you are wishing to encrypt. The associatedData parameter the byte[] representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

Encryption call:

    Encryption serivce = new Encryption(credential, retry, "<arx_url>", true);
    String plainText = "This is a plain text string";
    String associatedData = "this data needs to be authenticated, but not encrypted";
    byte[] cipherData = null;
    try {
        cipherData = serivce.Encrypt(plainText.getBytes(), associatedData.getBytes());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //TODO: handle exception here.


To decrypt data, use the Decrypt(byte[] cipherText, byte[] associatedData) method of the Encryption service. The cipherData parameter is the byte[] representation of data you are wishing to decrypt (previously encrypted). The associatedData parameter the byte[] representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

Decryption call:

    Encryption serivce = new Encryption(credential, retry, "<arx_url>", true);
    String plainText = "This is cipher data is already encrypted using `Encrypt` method";
    String associatedData = "this data needs to be authenticated, but not encrypted";
    byte[] cipherData = null;
    try {
        cipherData = serivce.Decrypt(plainText.getBytes(),associatedData.getBytes());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //TODO: handle exception here.

Encrypt Stream

To encrypt stream of data, use the EncryptStream(InputStream plainStream, OutputStream cipherStream, byte[] associatedData) method of the Encryption service. The plainStream parameter is the InputStream stream of data you are wishing to encrypt. The cipherStream parameter is the OutputStream stream you are wishing to write the cipher data to. The associatedData parameter the byte[] representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

    Encryption serivce = new Encryption(credential, retry, "<arx_url>", true);
    String plainText = "This is cipher data is already encrypted using `Encrypt` method";
    String associatedData = "this data needs to be authenticated, but not encrypted";
    InputStream encryptPlainStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(plainText.getBytes());
    ByteArrayOutputStream encryptCipherStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    try {
        service.EncryptStream(encryptPlainStream, encryptCipherStream, associatedData.getBytes());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //TODO: handle exception here.

Decrypt Stream

To decrypt stream of data, use the DecryptStream(InputStream cipherStream,OutputStream plainStream, byte[] associatedData) method of the Encryption service. The cipherStream parameter is the InputStream stream of data you are wishing to decrypt and it was originally encrypted using EncryptStream. The plainStream parameter is the OutputStream stream you are wishing to write the plain data back to. The associatedData parameter the byte[] representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

    String plainText = "This is cipher data is already encrypted using `Encrypt` method";
    Encryption serivce = new Encryption(credential, retry, "<arx_url>", true);
    ByteArrayInputStream dataEncrypted = new ByteArrayInputStream(encryptCipherStream.toByteArray());
    ByteArrayOutputStream decryptPlainStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    try {
        serivce.DecryptStream(dataEncrypted,decryptPlainStream, associatedData.getBytes());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //TODO: handle exception here.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a potential security issue in this project, please reach out to us at Please do not create public GitHub issues or Pull Requests, as malicious actors could potentially view them.