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Before you start

You can refer to this section on the dashboard for more details.

Or you can refer to this section for getting help about available commands.

Retrieving tenant information

You can use this command to retrieve the organisation/tenant information:

onqlave tenant describe

The result should be displayed in tabular format by default and look like this:

│ Key          Value                         │
│ Id           tenant--cr7ZHkeyjdWycfsPF     │
│ Name         dc-tenant-1                   │
│ Label        theirs                        │
│ OwnerEmail           │

Updating tenant information

There are two fields that you can update: label and name

onqlave tenant update -l dcm -n dc-tenant-1-updated

The successful output appears as follows:

🎉 Done!  Tenant updated successfully

You can double check the updated result by using the describe command above:

│ Key          Value                         │
│ Id           tenant--B8dxGtiyx2CWG8mYtvpfr │
│ Name         dev-tenant-1-updated          │
│ Label        your_label                    │
│ OwnerEmail          │

Explore available commands

onqlave tenant
This command is used to manage tenants' resources.

 onqlave tenant [command]

onqlave tenant

Available Commands:
 describe    describe tenant
 update      update tenant by name and label

 -h, --help   help for tenant

Global Flags:
     --json   JSON Output. Set to true if stdout is not a TTY.

Use "onqlave tenant [command] --help" for more information about a command.