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Before you start

The CLI commands for your Application will allow you to create and allocate the unique identifiers for your front and backend applications to be used when creating API Keys. This separated Application workflow ensures you have easy access to enabling, disabling and archiving applications as needed.

When the application reference is created, an API token and encryption key is established. Note that Onqlave does not allow you to permanently delete any applications, however they can be archived, which will then disable the respective API token and encryption key.

You may need to look at the supported available commands for an application.

Create an application

Who can perform this operation?

onqlave application add your_app_name -d 'this is my application' -t application_technology -o application_owner_id

Then the returned output should include your created application ID

🎉 Done! Application created successfully.
Application ID: your-app-id-here
For more information, read our documentation at

Describe an application

Who can perform this operation?

onqlave application describe your_app_id

The output is formatted as a table:

│ Key          Value                   │
│ ID           your_app_id_here        │
│ Name         app-2                   │
│ Description                          │
│ Technology   server                  │
│ Owner        owner_id                │
│ APIKeys      0                       │
│ Status       active                  │

List all applications

Who can perform this operation?

onqlave application list

The output will be displayed as a table by default.


Update an application

Who can perform this operation?

Currently, the Onqlave platform supports updating an application via its ID

onqlave application update your_application_id your_list_of_flags_and_values

To see the available flags, you can use this command:

onqlave application update

And explore all the flags:

 onqlave application update [flags]

onqlave application update

 -c, --application_cors string          Enter Application Cors
 -d, --application_description string   Enter Application Description
 -n, --application_name string          Enter Application Name
 -o, --application_owner string         Enter Application Owner
 -t, --application_technology string    Enter Application Technology
 -h, --help                             help for update

Global Flags:
     --json   Output logs as JSON.  Set to true if stdout is not a TTY.

Disable an application

Who can perform this operation?

onqlave application disable your_app_id

Enable an application

Who can perform this operation?

onqlave application enable your_app_id

Archive an application

Who can perform this operation?

Since we do not support deleting applications, you can archive it. Before archiving an application, you have to disable it like the previous step.

onqlave application archive your_app_id

Get base configuration information for Application

This information may be useful when you need to input the required flags during the creation of an application. To get these information, use the following command:

onqlave application base

Result will be organized either in tabular format by default or can be converted to JSON by appending --json flag at the end of the command


Explore available commands

onqlave application
This command is used to manage applications resources.

 onqlave application [command]

onqlave application

Available Commands:
 add         add application by name and attributes
 archive     archive application by ID
 describe    describe application by ID
 disable     disable application by ID
 enable      enable application by ID
 list        list applications
 update      update application by ID and attributes

 -h, --help   help for application

Global Flags:
     --json   Output logs as JSON.  Set to true if stdout is not a TTY.

Use "onqlave application [command] --help" for more information about a command.